Review of Selena Gomez’s album My Mind & Me: The singer reveals some of her deepest secrets and emerges gentler.

  • My Mind & Me Album By – Selena Gomez
  • Director – Alek Keshishian
  • Language – English
  • Stremming Platform – Apple TV +

Selena Gomez: My Mind & Me’s official summary reads, “After years in the spotlight, Selena Gomez achieves unprecedented popularity, but just as she hits a new height, an unforeseen turn drags her into darkness.

This uniquely honest and intimate documentary chronicles her six-year journey into a new light.”

In her candid new documentary My Mind & Me, Selena Gomez is sharing more than ever before.

The 30-year-old pop sensation and actress reveals all of her external and internal challenges in the Alek Keshishian-directed movie.

Gomez openly allows viewers into her ups and downs over the past six years, sharing everything from body image difficulties to excruciating lupus flare-ups to, of course, her ongoing struggle with mental health.

“I feel a little afraid. Many people will see this completely different side of me, and I hope they like it “Earlier this week, she spoke with Kelly Clarkson while she was a guest on her talk show.

The documentary’s key revelations are listed below and will start streaming on Apple TV+ on Friday.

Review of Selena Gomez's album My Mind & Me

She Has Issues with Her Body Image

During fittings and rehearsing for her 2016 Revival Tour, Gomez breaks down in tears. She says, “I want the booty that I don’t have and I want the physique to wear it proudly.” “I have a very young body. I want to appear feminine rather than like a 12-year-old male.”

Gomez’s lack of confidence also haunts her “I hear a voice in my head saying, “You missed this.” That is awful. That is awful. Wow, that looks pretty f—in’ s—ty when you catch a peek of yourself on the screen “She goes on.

“I feel like it just saps all of my energy, and I don’t want to perform. Simply put, the pressure is too much.”

While describing a chat she had with Interscope Records CEO John Janick, the celebrity becomes even more passionate.

She explains, “I don’t want him to think he signed some f—ing Disney kid. It’s also terrible because of the song situation. He phoned me this morning to talk about the song with Justin, and I just thought, “When am I going to be good enough by myself?”

The only time Gomez mentions her ex, Justin Bieber, in the movie is at the frustrating moment that was caught on camera.

‘Psychotic Break’ she had

Gomez’s mental health continued to deteriorate when she postponed her tour in August 2016.

I don’t want to live; at one point Gomez states, “I don’t want to be alive right now,” and I’m like, ‘Wait, what? Theresa, her former assistant, comes to mind.

It was pretty unnerving when you would occasionally peek into her eyes and saw nothing.

Raquelle, Gomez’s closest friend, described the “extremely chaotic” time when the celebrity first started “hearing all of these voices.”

Understanding Bipolar Disorder

Gomez was identified as having bipolar illness in 2019. “I’ll be open and honest. I didn’t want to check into a mental hospital, “In the movie, she adds. I didn’t want to, but I didn’t want to be stuck in my head any longer. (Gomez admits to having had inpatient care four times in her most recent Rolling Stone cover story.)

She continues, “I believed my life was finished,” as she struggles with her diagnosis. “This is how I’m going to be forever,” I thought.

Gomez sobs as she considers the effect her mental health had on her loved ones in one of the documentary’s most vulnerable scenes.

Review of Selena Gomez's album My Mind & Me

Selena living with Lumps

Gomez, who is featured in the movie Living with Lupus, has long been a voice for those who are dealing with lupus and discusses how the pandemic caused her to experience a painful flare-up.

I was so young. Selena exclaims, “I haven’t gone through this since I was younger,” visibly in pain. It just hurts in the mornings now. I instantly start crying when I wake up because everything hurts.

Her mental problems were made worse by her physical anguish. She says, “I’ve been having extremely awful dreams about my history and whatnot.

“I think that my past mistakes and failings are what contribute to my depression, Selena Mentioned.

I’ve been working since I was a child, and now that I’m an adult, all I want to do is be a mother.

I don’t desire extreme fame. I just want to advance because I feel stuck.”

Recovering from Broken Heart

With the release of her chart-topping 2019 song, “Lose You to Love Me,” Gomez reflects on negotiating the end of a toxic relationship, though she doesn’t specifically reference Bieber other than to appear to hint at their potential duet.

“There’s more to it than just a broken heart. As I learn to choose life and myself, I also hope that others may find grace and peace in that “she claims.

“The song is about realizing that you have to fully lose everything about yourself to find who you were. Everything was very open.


Finally, what we discover in Selena Gomez is that she is paradoxical; she is both sufficient and yet developing. About Selena Gomez, you share my sentiments.

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